One of America’s Best Bike Shops Wisconsin & Illinois

The Argus just so happens to be capable enough for trail riding too. We know through physics that temperature affects air pressure. So, all else being equal, people biking in Miami in August are going to have higher pressure in their tires than people biking in Boston in January. Having the right PSI in your… Continue reading One of America’s Best Bike Shops Wisconsin & Illinois

One of America’s Best Bike Shops Wisconsin & Illinois

They are easier to pump and attach, and will pump your tires up much quicker than a hand pump will. Some come with gauges, which eliminate 1) the need to switch back and forth between a pump and standalone gauge, or 2) if you’re really lazy, outright guesswork. Very few bike companies build 24-inch fat… Continue reading One of America’s Best Bike Shops Wisconsin & Illinois

New Schwinn Made with Wisconsin Steel

A few participants began designing and building small numbers of mountain bikes with frames made out of modern butted chrome-molybdenum alloy steel. When the sport’s original inventors demonstrated their new frame design, Schwinn marketing personnel initially discounted the growing popularity of the mountain bike, concluding that it would become a short-lived fad. The company briefly… Continue reading New Schwinn Made with Wisconsin Steel

New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel

The bikes may also suffer rolling resistance, making them unfit for pace driving. But nonetheless, there are so much of good things to like concerning the bikes. They have consistently produced high-quality and high-performance bikes since launching. Starting in the 1970s, Schwinn was pretty slow to react to a number of changes within the bicycle… Continue reading New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel

New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel

In late 1980, the Schwinn Chicago factory employees voted to affiliate with the United Auto Workers. Plant assembly workers started a strike for higher pay in September 1980, and 1,four hundred meeting staff walked off the job for 13 weeks. Although the strike resulted in February 1981, only about 65% of the prior workforce was… Continue reading New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel

New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel

IN 1932, Arnold, Schwinn & Company broke away from the traditional industry policy of standardization and started its program for the improvement in quality, service and appearance of the American type of bi cycle. For the sake of accuracy in comparison, the same number of equipment items, tank, lamp and horn, are shmvn in both… Continue reading New Schwinn Made With Wisconsin Steel