Mask Types

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health also regulates N95 respirators. The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates entities for compliance with worker safety rules and OSHA standards, including, for example, the proper use of respirators in different work environments. Filter material in the middle layer may be made of microfibers with an electrostatic charge; that is, the fibers are electrets. An electret filter increases the chances that smaller particles will veer and hit a fiber, rather than going straight through .

However, surgical masks can vary greatly in quality which may make these studies less useful. The effect of surgical masks is partially attributed to filtering out some of aerosol particles that are how airborne diseases are transmitted. Surgical masks are highly variable but the material of which they are made typically filter out more aerosol particles than do cloth masks but much less than does the material of which N95, FFP2 and similar Medical masks masks, are made. This combined with the poor fit suggests that surgical masks offer some protection to airborne diseases such as COVID-19 but less than do N95, FFP2 and similar masks. This helps reduce airborne transmission of pathogens and other aerosolized contaminants between the wearer and nearby people via respiratory droplets ejected when sneezing, coughing, forceful expiration or unintentionally spitting when talking, etc.

Without a mask, a face shield won’t help prevent you or others from being exposed to infectious respiratory particles. These particles come from the nose and mouth, and can escape around the face shield. Masks with exhalation valves or vents allow infectious respiratory particles to spread outside the mask. These masks donotprotect others from COVID-19 or limit the spread of the virus.

Healthcare settings have specific rules for when people should wear face masks. You can see if masks are required in your county by checking here. Health Canadadoesregulate respirators and Disposable masks as medical devices, which must meet a standard level of performance and quality requirements.

Because the KN95 and KF94 aren’t regulated by US authorities, it’s a bit trickier to know you’re getting the real deal, and counterfeit masks have proliferated throughout the pandemic. The FDA approved certain KN95s under an Emergency Use Authorization in 2020, and while that authorization has expired, the list of FDA-approved face mask manufacturers is still a helpful resource. The CDC also maintains a list of non-NIOSH-approved masks that have gone through filtration testing.

Medical masks

“An N95 is the best, if you can get it,” said Dr. Bob Lahita, director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease at St. Joseph Health and author ofImmunity Strong. The CDC recommendsN95s labeled “surgical”for health care personnel. We offer a variety of face masks that meet the very stringent ASTM testing requirements.

A mask fitter or brace can also improve the fit of your surgical mask. Consider wearing a face mask when you are sick with a cough or sneezing illness and you expect to be around other people. The face mask will help protect them from catching your illness.

There’s currently no required standard for non-medical masks sold in Canada. Few non-medical masks provide information about their filtration effectiveness. Consider wearing a well-fitting non-medical cloth mask over a disposable mask to improve the fit . When supplies are limited, N95 or other respirators that provide higher protection should be reserved for health care workers. This guidance provides specific considerations for the use of non-medical masks, also known as fabric masks, by children as a means for source control…

For both respirators and surgical masks, we also took comfort, breathability and ease of use into consideration, based on customers’ reviews. Project N95 is a nonprofit that vets personal protective equipment to help shoppers make sure they’re buying legitimate, tested products. The shop sells N95 masks, KN95 masks, surgical masks and other types from a variety of brands. By shopping directly from Project N95, you can be more confident that your face covering is tested and trustworthy.