Pulsar Vaporizers & Bongs

It fits directly on the inside of your bong’s mouthpiece, so you can smoke just like you normally do. These filters are efficient, and with just a few uses, you’ll notice that your MouthPeace filter turns a dark brown. That’s all the gross stuff that would otherwise wind up in your lungs if you weren’t glass pipes using that marijuana filter. Mooselabs bong filter was specifically designed to filter and keep out harsh toxins, tar, and resin buildup that may be in your bong. Using a MouthPeace filter can also stop loose leaves—known as “scooby snacks”—from passing through your bong and into your mouth.

How much water to put inside your bong is mostly a point of preference. Honeycomb percolators, for example, have the tiniest holes generally, so they diffuse/filtrate more effectively. The downside of this effective diffusion and filtration is that the flavor will suffer. Now, as with any ‘type’ of bong, you also have a lot of great options if you’re looking for a small and compact bong with a recycler. Percolators generally don’t work well because most of them work also as strong diffusers and will dilute the taste of your dabs too much. SmokeCartel sells a similar model, that’s a bit more expensive.

It will just take you more hits off your vape to get the same intensity as a bong. When you’re hitting a bong, you’ll generally get a stronger high than when using a vape water pipes pen. You can pack more cannabis into your bong, you can inhale more smoke at once, and bong smoke—in general—is one of the most powerful concentrations of THC available.

vaporizers bongs

Vape vs. bong—the differences rarely matter as choosing between them is a matter of personal taste. Either way, using a MouthPeace is the best way to get cleaner, better-tasting smoke. Use a weed filter to make your experience a little sweeter. If you’re using a MouthPeace filter on your bong, you’ll be able to take even larger hits.

In this article, we’ll discuss the various options that today’s marijuana consumer has at his or her disposal when partaking in their favorite plant. Some of these methods are old—but many are quite new. The question of which is better, a dry herb vaporizer or a bong, has been debated by weed smokers for years now.

The Evo is best used with an 18mm glass bubbler mouthpiece, or hydrotube. It can also be inverted to attach natively to an 18mm female bong or used with a whip. We are available anywhere, 24 hours a day, with the best smoking gear available. Read the manual.First and foremost, if you want to know how to get the best experience from your vaporizer and keep its lifespan to the fullest, read the material that comes with it. Take full advantage of the control you have over how much cannabinoids you take in when you take long and slow inhalations.

Until you taste the terpenes coating your mouth, that is. It’s also important not to let combustion happen inside your vaporizer. They all have temperature control settings to prevent this. But sometimes, a mammoth session can get those temperatures to rise past the device’s limit and cause combustion.

So, if you’re in bed after brushing your teeth and you don’t want to get your teeth dirty again, simply leave the bong aside and take a hit from the vaporizer! Some bongs have a special design that filters the smoke more than once. These bongs also filter out more tar and other harmful substances from the smoke.Percolator bongsare also very popular. A good example with great value for money is our’Black Leaf’ Straight Ice Bong with 4-Arm Percolator.

Your vaporizer needs replacement parts or cool additions from time to time. Find cleaning products, mouthpieces, cartridges, and tools to help you get the most out of your device and correctly maintain it. For those who are new to this, different cannabinoids vaporize at different temperatures. So if you’re vaping cooler, you will get a lighter vapor, but you’ll be leaving some of the good stuff in the bud. If you vape it hotter, then you get more of the good stuff, but you start getting more of carcinogens, too. The water filtration here lets you vape it a bit hotter without getting the smokier taste.